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Costs Associated with Deploying Digital Signage

Written by Shannon Oleyar | Sep 8, 2023 6:35:00 AM

Digital signage is an effective tool for conveying information and engaging with audiences, be it customers, employees, or visitors. However, deploying digital signage, particularly across multiple locations, involves various costs - some obvious, some hidden. This report presents a comprehensive view of these costs.

Key Cost Categories

1. Hardware: Digital displays (television screens), media players, mounting systems, and cables are among the key hardware requirements. Costs vary depending on the specifications like size, resolution, and durability of the displays, and the capabilities of the media players or smart tvs with built in apps.

2. Software: Digital signage software manages the content on the displays. The cost varies based on whether it is cloud-based (usually a monthly or annual subscription) or on-premise (upfront costs plus potential maintenance or upgrade fees).

3. Content Creation: Regularly updated content keeps the signage engaging. This might require asking one or multiple employees to take on additional responsibilities, hiring external agencies or freelancers for graphic design, video production, or copywriting, thus adding to the costs.

4. Installation: The cost of physically installing the hardware can be substantial, particularly for larger deployments. This might include professional AV installers, electricians, or other contractors to fabricate ceiling or unique mounts.

5. Maintenance and Upgrades: Over time, parts of the system might need repair or replacement. Software updates, subscription renewals, and planning for future upgrades constitute the other costs in this category.

 6. Connectivity: Your internal IT department will want to inspect the internet access required and inspect the software security. Depending on whether information is cloud based on cached locally, you might need to upgrade your internet connection to something strong enough to support streaming or pay for data plans for cellular-connected displays.

7. Troubleshooting/IT Support: Your Internal IT department will be responsible for troubleshooting unless support is included by your digital signage software provider.  

8. Training: Staff training, onboarding, integration connections with the digital signage system effectively are an additional cost or become an additional responsibility of current employees.  

Hidden Costs

1. Licenses and Subscriptions: Ongoing licensing or subscription costs can sometimes be overlooked but are crucial for maintaining the software.

2. Integration Costs: Integrating the digital signage system with other software systems may require additional software, plugins, or custom development work.

3. Networking and Connectivity: Upgrading existing network equipment or wiring can be a significant cost.

4. Content Management: Regularly updating content can be more time-consuming and costly than anticipated.

5. Compliance Costs: Compliance with regulations related to accessibility, privacy, copyright, and others, based on location and content nature, adds to the costs.

5. Compliance Costs: Compliance with regulations related to accessibility, privacy, copyright, and others, based on location and content nature, adds to the costs.

6. Downtime Costs: A sign that is out of service can result in lost opportunities or productivity, plus costs for emergency repairs or replacements.  

7. Disposal Costs: At the end of their lifecycle, proper disposal of digital signs and related equipment may involve recycling or e-waste disposal costs.

8. Opportunity Cost: The potential return on investment in digital signage should be evaluated against other initiatives.

Additional Costs for Multiple Locations

1. Increased Hardware and Software Costs: Additional signage displays, media players, mounting equipment, and software licenses are required for each new location.

2. Installation and Maintenance: Costs increase due to additional time, resources, possibly travel, and hiring local contractors for installation and maintenance.

3. Networking and Connectivity: Ensuring sufficient connectivity across all locations can be challenging and costly.

4. Content Customization: Each location may require customized content, adding to the content creation and management costs.

5. Training: Training staff at each location can add to costs, especially if travel or multiple training sessions are required.  

6. Synchronization and Coordination: Managing a digital signage network across multiple locations may require more advanced management tools or a larger team.

7. Additional Compliance Costs: Different sets of regulations based on the location of the facilities, whether they are union or non-union, and the local spoken language add to the complexity and costs.

8. Redundancies: Backup hardware in case of failure adds additional costs.

9. Logistics and Transportation: Transporting hardware and equipment to various locations can add significant costs.

While the costs can be significant, they must be evaluated considering the benefits digital signage can bring, including increased customer engagement, improved communication, branding opportunities, and potential boosts in sales.

Transmission can help! Transmission revolutionizes the world of digital signage by providing a comprehensive, fully managed solution tailored to your needs. We handle everything for you, from creating custom content that resonates with your audience to seamlessly integrating with your preferred data sources and keeping it all up to date. You will not have to lift a finger or worry about the complexities of managing a system over one or multiple locations. Our dedicated team ensures a smooth onboarding process and provides ongoing customer service and IT support. All aspects of the digital signage process are taken care of, ensuring that your messaging is always on point and delivered without a hitch.

When it comes to the technical setup, while you will supply your own TV and installation, we provide you with Transmission's state-of-the-art media player, boasting a lifetime warranty to ensure uninterrupted service. This commitment to quality hardware, coupled with our promise of no hidden costs, gives you peace of mind that your investment is secure and protected. Transmission will work directly with your internal IT department to open ports and connect the system to the internet with firewall permissions. After that, we will take care of the day-to-day IT support. Located in Bowling Green, KY, our team is always available to troubleshoot or answer questions. With Transmission, your digital signage experience is streamlined, efficient, and entirely transparent, allowing you to focus on what you do best while we manage the visuals.

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